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Patience is more likely if we do not have to carry the baggage of unresolved hurts and offenses. It seems to me that serious differences of opinion and approach are going to appear, and that both people are going to need to learn and grow in order to gain the potential benefit from this pairing. -Tyler vetoed a higher tariff. It's also possible that you need a temporary separation from others to figure something out to find your direction. The real meaning of the Temperance card can be deciphered using the other cards in the spread to identify areas where this imbalance is being caused. It signifies the perfect balance of love, commitment, and mutual respect among soulmates. When we establish our connection with the environment, we reach the natural state of being. Generally, the environment could be chaotic or overwhelming, but it could also reflect the general activity of a city or club area at night. Manages a patient and family caseload which includes assessing, planning, implementation, evaluating and documenting the care provided. Perhaps you have endured some sort of suffering or loss; the Temperance card suggests that you are on the path to healing your emotional and physical wounds. You may have to try several approaches to things before you find what is truly right for you. To prevent workers from joining labor organizations. You may not notice massive shifts, but you may find that your experience being around them has always been a positive one. Temperance describing a relationship may well indicate a pairing that will severely test the mettle of the people involved. If you cant work things out with a specific friend, turn to those who make you feel safe and loved. Depending on personal experiences also, the card can refer to a place where you feel the most anxiety or stress in, or even where you have to endure the ghosts of past traumas. All in all, the cards advice would be to stay calm and grounded without letting the others words or deeds affect your feelings. When we lean into these qualities, we build trust. But theyre emotionally unready and you dont know each other that well yet. If asking about love, then an emotionally fulfilling connection is on the way. We started that plant up with *zero* system issues based on . This has excellent potential if you are looking to begin a long-term relationship. Could be disruptive to your life, but a welcome distraction. Temperance in a discouraging position can also mean that you avoid conflict to the point that it interferes with how you stick up for yourself. Think about whether you are either dwelling on past events or worrying over future events. The situation has been resolved in a calm manner. See if you can reach a middle ground with the other person. If youre interested in reconciling, maybe give them time to recenter and ground themselves. The Temperance card shows that you are having trouble reaching your goals in an effective way. Sometimes, this will require of you to step back and abstain from situations that do not serve your interests in the long term and to try new things and activities that youd never thought of before. Sure, we want to be our partners confidant and best friend, but not someone to take out their frustrations on. Temperance is a good omen for healing. If you fail, the existing judgment is considered final. Over time, trust solidifies into a rock-solid foundation for a great relationship. and Ph.D. from the University of Colorado Boulder. Where Does Borderline Personality Disorder Come From? The World Card Tarot Combinations. They were at once the lay face of the church, the spiritual heart of civic government, and the social kin who claimed the allegiance of peers and the obedience of subordinates. When there is tension, the other person might misinterpret your words and general demeanor. You have lost the excitement and willingness to work or carry out your projects. One other analogy would refer to a literal river (except this time, the river represents our life). Lets keep it short and sweet here: the outcome will be positive. Take good care of yourself, exercise, get enough rest, eat well, do all the things you know you need to do in order to stay healthy. When these two cards turn up in a spread it should be taken as a sign that you need to do some deep thinking. You work well together. Your person enjoys the dynamic they have with you. We can give that gift even though the person who hurt us does not deserve it. Moreover, it suggests that the Kingdom of Heaven is here, upon the Earth. In the present position, Temperance means that something youve long yearned for be it wealth, romance, a new car or something entirely different is about to come to fruition. They are dependable and are always ready to listen and constructively work at problems. This can be a good or bad thing, taking into consideration the context of the group. So step it back a few notches you dont want to appear desperate, do you? The situation has not been resolved quite yet. Nature is also a large part of the Temperance card. If your health has been a significant source of stress for you, dont worry. She has one foot on land, representing the material world, while the other is dipped in a pool of water lying before her, a representation of the subconscious. Communication is hindered, differences spark arguments, and conflicting feelings muddy your perception. The Temperance card which introduces peace, moderation, patience and a sense of balance in life also gives you a clear outlook and a new perspective in terms of love relationship as well as for work & career. Everything will be restored back into order and peace will once again ensue. An online resource for tarot and divination enthusiasts. Interventions have been developed to promote humility, too, and have been shown to be effective. They are not afraid to assert their opinion, nor be too proud or manipulative to work in harmony. Even reversed, Temperance reminds us that on the health front its still all about balance and moderation. You could feel like youre constantly walking on eggshells. The Temperance card accurately reflects this type of person. This failure to communicate and handle your emotions can lead to anger, self-pity, and an imbalanced state of mind. Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at /works/38514553. R stands for Recall the hurt. Step back from an immediate emotional response and really think about the situation. When the Emperor precedes the World card, peace or a ceasefire is possible. It can ask you to rein in excess habits. They come in good faith and are ready to focus on the next step. They can often bring more reward in the long term than a passionate outburst based only on a whim. Temperance urges us to embrace patience, moderation, compromise, diplomacy, and the middle path. You seem to be able to keep your playfulness balanced with responsibility, and joyfulness balanced with sincerity. To maintain harmonious relationships, working together to find compromise is often necessary. Here is a summary of our conversation. Christianity named three Christian virtues: faith (confidence in that which is not necessarily observable), hope (the motivation to persevere when things are hard), and love (willingness to value and not devalue others). Read an inspiring book and rest generously. Avoid rushing forward without planning ahead. It might also be a sign that youre about to receive an unexpected message, or that its time to text an old friend. Reversed, the Temperance card indicates a disharmonious inner or outer environment. It's often thought of as a card of inaction but it's not; it's element is Fire and that angel isn't inactive, just careful with what she's doing. They are both described as philosophers, each focused on the larger picture and working towards their desires. According to the researchers, improving temperance has the potential to smooth problematic relationships . I would be worried if your work life is going well, as Temperance can mean that you're getting too comfortable. Forgiveness is another strategy that can be practiced in combination with seeing justice, turning the matter over to God, tolerance, forbearance, minimization, and acceptance. Current relationships may be taking a toll on your mental health. Trust builds a strong connection over time. This could translate to feelings that are neither hot nor cold, no clinging, and no aversion. That sounds pretty positive for a 3 months old relationship A case of Opposites Attract maybe, to outsiders the couple would appear as compatible as chalk and cheese and yet they make it just takes a little skill, effort, time and do all relationships. The most common meaning of the Temperance card in the action position is for the querent to organize. We choose to treat the person as a valued and valuable person. This is a card that also advises you to take less action. But similarly to Temperance upright, always act in a balanced manner. Meta-analyses and reviews of these interventions have shown that two have been studied more than others. Born into a Romany Gypsy family of fortune tellers, Lisa has always had a passion for psychic development and related subjects. You might not be able to mend this relationship. ), conscientiousness-based virtues (like justice, self-control, courage), and epistemic virtues (like wisdom and curiosity). For this reason, it could also refer to a place far away from civilization. Do you feel like their never-ending demands seem like moving goalposts that you cant keep up with? Remember, you can discover more love Tarot meanings (and the feelings of your lover) by checking out the Love Tarot Meanings E-Book. This job is going to require the ability to organize and plan, as well as a large amount of patience. They are cautious and regulate their emotions, so as not to disappoint their initial excitement. Through her work, she teaches diviners how to give more confident readings. But when we are tolerant, we often have a lot of emotional loading on an issue and sometimes our suppressed anger is like a bomb with a trip-wire, waiting for any disturbance to set it off. Thus, the restraint has a purpose of affecting good. A personalized FREE Love Tarot Reading, combines your date of birth, your name and a point in time to give you an accurate reading. It could be a misunderstanding or something truly serious causing this. The outcome of the situation can be one of disappointment or not achieving something that you had planned on. Therefore, you are being seen as someone who has endless tenacity, coupled with the ability to remain mature and focused regardless of any difficulties. A fire sign of optimism, freedom, and passion, they reflect the dedicated and resilient nature of Temperance. An angel stands, with one foot in the water and the other foot firmly planted on land. The Knight of Wands tarot card urges you to pursue your goals with confidence. This is why prayer is so important in most religions. Theyve calmed down and healed to the point where you can rebuild your connection in a healthy, constructive manner. A work-life balance can be especially important to you. It may be an external environment that is holding you in the energy of the reversed Temperance card. This suit, most often named "Coins" or "Pentacles", is a symbol for a magical talisman that represented wealth or potential. It is time to call a truce with your enemies, to find the middle ground and reconcile any and all differences. Know when to walk away, move on, and find peace and harmony elsewhere. The important thing about this place is that it offers you safety. Acceptance involves a defusing of the emotion and a commitment to move on and try not to look back. However, the Temperance reversed does not necessarily indicate purely negative characteristics. Or if asking about a result of some sort of work or pay off, Temperance assures you that you will be satisfied. But because we only have a human perspective, maybe we cant spot the ship coming our way to rescue us, or maybe the treacherous cliff of water turns out to only be a small step waterfall. Struggling with grounding your energy, or even grappling with balancing out your lifestyle and temperament does not make you a bad person. Numerology of The Ace of Wands. You dont have to force a loving behavior, like nothing wrong ever happened, and turn the other cheek; but you shouldnt let indifference and hate grow in your heart either. This card could be pointing towards a place where trees or grass, and especially flowing water, are near. Six of Pentacles and Magician However, when it describes someones opinion of you, the reversed Temperance card indicates that you have made an unfavourable impression. The orange triangle within the white square is spirit grounded in matter, the holiness of nature! You might even be suffering in terms of your work-life balance. Any problems or negativity will be resolved. Reversed, the Temperance card can refer to plans interrupted, goals crumbling. Addressing these areas will provide you with the boost you need to feel healthy and energetic again. However, you could certainly stand to be a little more flush, so dont be shy about going out and chasing any promising financial opportunities that come your way. Your relationship feels unfulfilling and you feel discouraged and hopeless. On her robe is a square with a triangle inscribed inside of it, suggestive of a tangible earth in union with the Holy Trinity. Temperance is one of the 22 things I learned from reading Tarot. Research I've done and Robert McGrath has done suggests that one way of categorizing virtues is as warmth-based virtues (like love, forgiveness, compassion, etc. They are willing to dedicate themselves and work hard. Not only that, you should walk away when the relationship starts feeling abusive. But as a negative, this person might perceive you to have a volatile emotional or spiritual state. Re-establish that inner peace and balance, one that cannot be disturbed by everyday mishaps. This card represents balance, control over our lives, and absolute equilibrium. You are blessed with the ability to see the entirety of a situation clearly, allowing you to enjoy significant progress in those areas of life you choose to seek out and explore. They value them and want to work or spend time with them. While it should not be considered canon, its basically looking out and clearing up space for yourself. The angel pours water between two cups, symbolizing the flow and alchemy of life. This equilibrium cannot be disturbed- the calm, balanced, and gentle exchange of energy. Tags: USHS1 9.6.A. Wisdom and knowledge (creativity, curiosity, open-mindedness, love of learning, perspective, and innovation), courage (bravery, persistence, integrity, vitality, and zest), humanity (love, kindness, and social intelligence), justice (citizenship, fairness, and leadership), temperance (forgiveness and mercy, humility, prudence, and self-control), and transcendence (appreciation of beauty and excellence, gratitude, hope, humor, and spirituality). In reference to a specific career, this card could suggest a stressful and high-risk environment. Temperance is a highly spiritual card. Prohibition usually refers to making it illegal to manufacture or sell alcohol. The Diffuser adds a nice gentle scent to my home. Temperance is about moderation in action, thoughts, or feelings. A sense of agitation and lack of balance makes them feel uneasy. The elements of fulfillment and harmony, as well as the divine imagery, shows that the answer to your question is positive and divinely assisted. In fact, it has relational, spiritual, and mental health and well-being benefits for the forgiver, and if it is practiced over time, it can yield lowered physical risks and better physical well-being. We often see the Temperance card as a card that encapsulates an optimal balance between not just all areas of life, but also between the spiritual and physical realms. It's not a card of growth and excitement; it's a card of equilibrium. For example, we could pursue justice or perhaps see justice done. Ill fill the diffuser with lavender or peppermint. What you lack they have and vice versa; you complement each other. For singles, Temperance predicts a future where you are content with your circumstances. Your near future wont be that terrible but it wont be great either. However, in reverse, the future is not so positive. After saying what you have to say, refrain from making further contact and realize that the other person is a separate individual with their own problems and viewpoints who possibly cannot deal with this right now because their cup is already full. They prefer to do things their own way and are quite independent, but can also sometimes struggle under stress or pressure. It makes you a person who hopefully is able to acknowledge that they need to take a rest and sort it out. However, your willingness to accommodate and care for each others needs benefits your relationship considerably. Am I going to reconcile with my ex? There is no blame to assign and forget here. This is not the time for you to go it alone in any professional capacity. The temperance movement is a social movement promoting temperance or complete abstinence from consumption of alcoholic beverages.Participants in the movement typically criticize alcohol intoxication or promote teetotalism, and its leaders emphasize alcohol's negative effects on people's health, personalities and family lives.Typically the movement promotes alcohol education and it also demands . Reforging Glory. An angel stands, with one foot in the water and the other foot firmly planted on land. Although it is a positive thing to be able to openly show emotions, it can sometimes result in unfair premature judgment of a situation or lashing out in anger at a person who is undeserving of it. There is trust and balance here. They may not want to negotiate at all or may want to work individually. If you are inquiring about an ex, your ex cant make up their mind about you. This card reversed most likely points towards break-ups or an ending on bad terms. The Temperance card will appear in the outcome position of a Tarot reading to indicate a content future. Yes, the future of this matter looks peaceful and content. Either way, the Temperance card counsels finding the middle road. The Temperance Tarot Card Reversed as A Place, The Temperance Tarot Card as an Obstacle or Challenge, The Temperance Tarot Card Reversed as an Obstacle or Challenge, The Temperance Tarot Card Reversed as Action, The Temperance Tarot Card Reversed as Advice, The Temperance Tarot Card Reversed as an Outcome, The Temperance Tarot Card Reversed as a Person. Six of Pentacles and Temperance. It depends on my mood. Or was it a music band, where working in a group is more beneficial than working individually? The meaning of the Temperance Tarot card is equilibrium. During the time of Temperance, nothing will appear to be happening (in a positive way). When asking about another person, it means they feel you blend well together, but they try to tone their feelings down and avoid extremes. In any current relationship that has recently suffered from disruptions, disagreements, or arguments, then rest assured that the Temperance cards carries a promise that the future will be positive. Remember that one time when you tried talking to your crush only to jumble your words and make a fool of yourself? Examples could range from managers, to special education teachers, to mental health professionals, or even to a job in relation to nature, such as a zoologist or biologist. When drawn to specify how to resolve a conflict, Temperance tells you to do the right thing: pacify the situation. At the same time, there is such a thing as easily giving up on our goals and forgoing our plans for productivity. They can be open-minded and cooperative. It affects thoughts, emotions, behaviors, and opinions and could last for a whole lifetime. When Temperance is combined with the Chariot, this indicates that you will be put in a position that requires great responsibility. 1 represents the beginning, creation and initial ideas. This is the vibe of the person who says, if you love them set them free, if its meant to be, it will be. If youve always wanted someone to grow old with, youve drawn the right card and met the right person. I am a participant in Amazons affiliate program. Therefore, you have to work out how you can push past the same-old-same-old so that you can achieve better results. They will answer your calls when you need help and wont forget you. August 23, 2021. What this means is that she is a good sign that there is or will be harmony between you and those around you. Try it now, click here for a 5-minute reading FREE. Its therefore very easy to read this card as a positive, strength, or advantage in a Tarot spread. Clearly, we must be able to discuss differences, but I believe that most change happens if we practice committed civility rather than simply react to perceived provocations. A place that is quite urbanized or populated could be a possibility. Id love it if you could try them out and let me know your experience. You might say you dont have enough time or motivation for all that, right? Your finances are finally starting to stabilize, and if youve been in debt, you wont be for much longer. The Tower card is the 16 th card of the Major Arcana. Moderation can sometimes mean that we have to experience both ends of the spectrum to know what its all about. However, when reversed, the Temperance card does not herald good fortune in terms of relationships. Reversed keyword meanings: Imbalance, chaos . I am guessing it means working on the relationship. Improving temperance through forgiveness, humility, and patience interventions. The Temperance tarot card encourages you to maintain a sense of equilibrium, patience, and restraint in your daily activities. Temperance will appear in the outcome position of a Tarot reading to indicate a content future. The importance of balance and even-handedness. The future is not very clear at the moment. Mark Travers, Ph.D., is the lead psychologist at Awake Therapy, responsible for new client intake and placement. Youve reached that level of comfort where you can spend all day in a comfortable silence. Four of Cups and Temperance This combination is a sign that you're ready to abandon the excesses in your life in order to pursue peace. Express those fiery emotions, convey them through an art form, let them out by dancing to music. They believe that you try too hard to look calm and cool, but youre easily offended and prone to anger, resulting in awkward atmosphere. The Temperance card will appear in the outcome position of a Tarot reading to indicate a content future. When this card appears, it means that you have found peace and achieved moderation in your life aspects. Temperance encourages patience, moderation, compromise, and the middle way. This combination indicates you'll have to forgo some of your favorite pleasures for the next little while hence the presence of the Temperance card. In relationship readings, Temperance is a very good card to receive in a future or outcome position. Or maybe you aren't speaking up enough? However, if you're quite happy with the way things currently are, all is likely well on the career and business front. Decisions to forgive are changes in our intent to react negatively to the other person. That makes a decision to forgive easier. They are natural healers and mentors and can work as teachers or artists. It's a card of alchemy. Or, it can even just be that your personalities dont mesh well together. Temperance people understand that everything unfolds as its meant to, that there is never any need to hurry things along. Whether it is because of a hurt ego, stubbornness, or just purely negative intentions, this person does not want the best for you or another person. Maybe you are not getting what you truly deserve, and this leaves you disappointed. If youre already living together, this card basically means that youll have a happy home life. The situation will unfortunately not end in a mutual agreement. If you're in a relationship, Temperance's presence signifies that your relationship is strong and harmonious. The Temperance card in reverse as an outcome speaks of conflict. The person you asked the question about doesnt think you are a good match. It can be a place of spiritual healing, or just somewhere you can go to recentre yourself. Even when bad feelings arise, Temperance teaches us to try and add a new value to them: add love to hate, equanimity to anger, security to stress.